Natural Lawn Care Solutions
Starting at $195 for a two hour visit, our sweet Babydoll Southdown flock will weed-eat, feed, and mow your lawn while their Shepherd assists, serving you and caring for your land.
Safest, Quietest and Cutest weed-control Services in the DMV
Starting in 2016, our Founding Shepherd began using his flock of pet sheep to clear poison ivy, multifloral rose and other nuisance plants out of the yards and pastures around his Permaculture Farm between the City of Fairfax and Fairfax Station in Northern Virginia. His Babydoll Southdown sheep have been so successful at weed-eating, that his company is now offering their grazing services to you. The sheep provide mostly odorless fertilizer pellets (like deer scat) that increase your soil’s fertility, carbon capture, and water-holding capacity, while their Shepherd provides some assistance removing weeds the sheep can’t reach. With well-trained staff, licensing, and insurance, we provide you the safest, quietest, and most enjoyable lawncare services in Fairfax County, Arlington, and the entire DC metro area.
Our company strives to exceed expectations.
Do you have questions about how to care for your yard in a way that enhances the local ecology? Have you ever wished you could hire a professional with a masters degree to advise you on lawn care? Do you just want someone to pull out invasive plants without harming the more attractive or beneficial native plants? For all these reasons and more, we hope you’ll hire LambMowers.com at least once to care for your yard for a full two hours. Having sheep in your front yard is a fantastic way to meet your neighbors too!
Service testimonials:
“Having your sheep visit was literally all my girls have been talking about all weekend. We were so excited to have met your sheep.”
— Jessica (Springfield Homeowner)
Cory is incredibly knowledgeable and was able to assist with the lawn and offer advice on not only lawn health, but also on what types of plants would grow well in certain parts of the yard and would look good aesthetically based on surroundings.
And I haven’t even mentioned the sheep yet which were absolutely adorable and sociable! They ate out of our hands and let us pet them. It was incredibly therapeutic just to watch them graze and they especially did a great job on the spots the mower has trouble getting to. This was absolutely worth every penny and I would have gladly paid more for the service I received. Notably, I have already booked another visit.”
-Jocelyn (Fairfax Homeowner)
“The Sheep were a delight, I still smile when I see their pictures. People loved it”
— Annandale Homeowner
“Cory sets up temporary fencing to contain the sheep and provides some really practical landscaping work and advice while his sheep help make our yard healthier. I plan to keep hiring him three times a year to control weeds from taking over our lawn”
— Fairfax Station Homeowner

Set up a Sheep Visit, Edible Landscaping Consultation, or a Free Conversation today
If you can’t find an ANSWER to your questions here, call our Chief Shepherd, Cory, at 215-821-5885